MTSS (Multi-Tiered System of Supports) is a systematic approach to teaching, which incorporates differentiated instruction and tiered levels of support to address the individual needs of each student to maximize learning. The tiered levels of intervention include both academic and social-emotional supports at the classroom, small group, and individual student level.
WSESU School Counseling Scope and Sequence
Tier III: Intensive (Few)
Intensive Individualized Interventions and Supports
More focused, targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core academic behavior curriculum and instruction
Tier II: Targeted (Some)
Targeted Supplemental Interventions and Supports
More focused, targeted instruction/intervention and supplemental support in addition to and aligned with the core academic and behavior curriculum and instruction
Tier I: Universal (All)
Core Universal Instruction and Supports
General academic and behavior instruction and support designed and differentiated for all students in all settings
Windsor School Vision
The Windsor School District leads the community in educating students to become responsible, caring, and contributing members of a changing global society.
Windsor School Mission
The mission of the Windsor School District is to be a learning community that meets the intellectual, social, and emotional needs of each student. Our district provides a challenging curriculum and opportunities that promote creativity, provide personalized learning experiences, raise students’ global awareness, and ensure each student reaches his or her potential. Our program cultivates collaboration among staff, students, parents, and the community. Finally, the Windsor School District is committed to supporting community-based experiential learning opportunities that utilize the cultural heritage of Windsor and the richness of the natural environment.